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I'm Taylor Daniels and I am 17 years old. I joined Girls Who Code as a stepping stone on the pathway to find my perfect career. I’ve always been a fan of art and I feel as if makeup is a branch of art you can do everyday.

I am Sondia Howell and I'm 17 years old. I joined this program because I wanted to experience a new career field. Makeup in my opinion is a form of self expression, and I like to feel pretty.

I'm Cece Williams and I'm 16 years old. I applied to this program because I believe computer skills are very important to have. I became invovled in skincare because I love having clear skin.

I'm Olivia Gamble and I'm 18 years old. I joined Girls Who Code to widen my skills set and explore a potenial career path I may take prior to college. Makeup for me started out as a way to teach myself how to cover acne, then quickly became a form of expression.

I am Madison Cerpa and I'm 17 years old. I applied to this program because it’s a great opportunity. I got involved with makeup because of my childhood boredom, it's a hobby to me.


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